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Disaster Recovery

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Telecom / telefooncentrale

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Disaster recovery

company projects blog open source it consultants support services for rear what is relaxandrecover rear rear stands for relax and recover and is a linux disaster recovery framework written in bash shell. The code is completely free and is published with the gnu public licence version . When we said rear is a disaster recovery framework we meant each module is small and has its own specific goal. Rear creates an iso image to boot from in case of disaster and the backup can be stores practically anywhere nfs cifs usb disks remote tape devices. Rear is also capable to integrate with open source backup solutions such as bacula bareos borg backup duplicity and also with commercial backup solutions such as tivoli netbackup emc networker and data protector. It consultants is an official redhat partner. We can imagine this may sound a bit overwhelming to you but we can help you out with the following offerings relaxandrecover rear consultancy services helping you with writing and implementing a disaster recovery policy within your company designing an.

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